Khusei Dotharl

(press play for theme music)
'Ominous' -Nisemonogatori

Khusei Dotharl. Born on the Azim steppe, she upheld the Dotharli tradition of rebirth, more than most would believe. From knowing her first words, she knew who she was, and how many lifetimes she had lived. Her parents dismissed her as headstrong and silly, though time and time again her otherworldly knowledge proved true. This deep connection with her own soul, lead her down a long and arduous road of spell craft and esoteric magicks, One culminating in a macabre mastery of the art of soul craft.Now as the fates pull their strings, and the world steps into a new and unfamiliar era of strange peace, how will she use her gifts? To uphold the tranquility, or to bring about the currents of change?

A retired Field Marshall of the Maelstrom. She has spent countless hours with the Maelstrom's Exploratory fleet. Having been included in the Eurekan exploratory force, she has served more time on the battlefield than most would care to admit.Always the overachiever, She achieved the Bozjan Emblazon for her dedication to the liberation of Bozja, and earned the nickname "Omen". Dubbed such as being an omen of ill fortune for the imperials, but also for a botched assassination attempt on Lyon, which left her the only survivor, earning her an extremely celebrated discharge and certain privilege within Maelstrom command. Many who stand under the Red Banner would know of her deeds and countless accolades.

RP Hooks

  • For a Steppe born Xaela, she seems to know an awful lot about Mhach and voidmagic.

  • There are heavy burns on the left side of her body. A magitek eye of surprising craftsmanship replaces her lost one.

  • She speaks of times past as if they were fond memories...And, by times past, she means from Millenia past.

  • Her view of voidsent is not nearly as scathing as your average adventurer's.

  • She is enthused to talk nigh anything in the field of aether, magic and akasha.

  • She bears an otherworldly mark to her aether. To those who do not know her, she would have almost the same aetheric signature as a high-ranking voidsent.

With how dutiful she is to the Maelstrom, Khusei needs a place to handle things her way. A place that can do what needs to be, but still bring balance to the star as best it can. Thus comes in Sukuna Jinja the free company founded with her wife and closest friends, it is where she truly is able to delve into her occult curiosities and give back to the world what she knows it needs.
Though her void weapon project is a bit of an outlier compared to her normal work, she will be more than willing to help anyone in need.
Though she is curt and direct, she has an odd interest in pop culture, and will try to stay 'hip' and with the current times. So you will see her sporting the latest fashion and tomephone, even if she can barely work it. Do guide her on any new phrases that the kids and "urban youth" are saying, she would be glad to hear it and eagerly use it at her earliest convenience.

Age: [Redacted]
Height: 4 fulm 7 ilm (4'7")
Weight: 110 ponze (110lbs)
Relationship status: Married
Class: "Reaper"
Occupation: Captain of Malestrom Division 13 "Valkyrie" Squad
Fun Fact: She owns (and has read) over 5,760 books in her personal library. in this lifetime

Name: Ric
Age: 28
Pronouns: They/Them
Hello, I'm a mortician as my human profession, so my time in game sometimes becomes few and far between. However, I've been a writer for about 17 years now and its been a great source of enjoyment over the years for me. I love FFXIV for the roleplay, the gameplay, and the community really have brought much enjoyment to my days. We're all here to RP and have a good time, if there's anything you want to work out between our characters- be it plotting a scene, or working out a conflict- feel free to DM me and I will be happy to try and work it out together.
If the Background for the character seemed a bit sparse, it's because I like to have discoveries of backstory be more organic.